The LSC Algorithm Library Suite (LALSuite) is comprised of various gravitational wave data analysis routines written in C following the ISO/IEC 9899:1999 standard, more commonly referred to as C99.
Project details
LALSuite is comprised of the following components:
- LAL: Core gravitational wave analysis routines
- LALFrame: LAL wrapping of the LIGO/Virgo Frame library
- LALMetaIO: LAL wrapping of the MetaIO LIGO_LW XML library
- LALSimulation: LAL routines for gravitational waveform and noise generation
- LALBurst: LAL routines for burst gravitational wave data analysis
- LALInspiral: LAL routines for inspiral and ringdown CBC gravitational wave data analysis
- LALInference: LAL routines for Bayesian inference data analysis
- LALPulsar: LAL routines for pulsar and continuous wave gravitational wave data analysis
- LALApps: Collection of gravitational wave data analysis codes and pipelines utilising the LAL libraries
Project Librarians
The documentation for all LALSuite components is generated using Doxygen. The most recent LALSuite documentation from the nightly build can be found
LAL Specification and Style Guide document (commonly known as the
LAL Spec) contains the software specifications that code written for LALSuite should conform to. The most recent version of the
LAL Spec can be found
For complete instructions on building LALSuite, see
LALSuite-7.24 was released on 19 December 2024, and is comprised of:
Previous releases can be found in the following
The latest version approved by the SCCB is LALSuite-7.24.
Git Repository
The LALSuite sources are located in the LALSuite Git repository. See the following
instructions on how to get started.
You may also
browse the LALSuite Git repository using the
GitLab web interface.
Bug Reporting
The LALSuite bug reporting system can be found
here. You will need a LIGO.ORG username and password.
Before you file a ticket, please read and search through the list of
current and
previous issues to determine if your bug has already been reported. If it has not, please report the issue giving as much detail as possible.
If an issue already exists and has not been fixed, add any additional information to the existing report. If your bug exists and has been fixed, upgrade to the version detailed in the issue to confirm if it has been fixed correctly. If it was not, please reopen the issue.
Mailing Lists
There are several mailing lists related to LALSuite development:
Developers should subscribe to the
LAL Discuss and
Computing Discuss mailing lists as important development information is regularly posted and discussed on these lists.