You are here: LIGOWiki>Computing Web>UserGuide>SoftwareProjects (2022-04-27, Attach

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List of software projects

The following table lists the software projects under development within CompSoft:

List of CompSoft software projects
Name LinksSorted ascending License Description
dqsegdb2 GPL-3.0-only Simplified python interface to DQSEGDB
gwdatafind GPL-3.0-only The client library for the LIGO Data Replicator (LDR) service
gwpy GPL-3.0-or-later A python package for gravitational-wave astrophysics
LALSuite GPL-2.0-or-later The LSC Algorithm Library Applications for gravitational wave data analysis
LDASTools GPL-2.0-or-later LDAS Tools provides a collection of libraries and utility programs that can be leveraged to simplify tasks related to reading and writing of frames, maintain a hash of files on a file system, and to create custom frame sets.
ligo-lvalert GPL-2.0-or-later LIGO/Virgo LVAlert client powered by SleekXMPP
metaio GPL-2.0-or-later LIGO Light-Weight XML Library
NDSClient GPL-2.0-only NDS2 Client interface

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Topic revision: r10 - 2022-04-27,
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