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LIGO/VIRGO Wiki Helpful tips

Migration Troubleshoorting

Please see the separate Migration Troubleshooting Web page.

Helpful tips

A. Who has access to this wiki?

This wiki is accessible by members of LIGO, VIRGO, and KAGRA. Anyone member may view the most pages within this wiki.

If you experience access problems, or cannot reach a page which you believe you can access, please contact for help.

B. What are the Access Control changes?

The old wiki uses:
<!-- * Set DENYTOPICVIEW =-->

Now in the new wiki, this is replaced with:
<!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = *-->

The current access controls have been converted as part of the migration, but users should be aware that this change for any new pages (Topics and Webs) they create. For more information about Restricting Access, please see

C. How to a scroll on iOS devices, such as an iPad

On an iPad or other iOS device, it may be difficult to scroll the page while editing it, as the keyboard takes up half the screen. The default iOS keyboard has the feature where using two-fingers along the keyboard makes that half of the screen act as a trackpad.

D. How do I create a web?

Only admins may create Webs. Please contact for help in doing this.

-- ShawnKwang - 2018-09-20
Topic revision: r6 - 2019-10-28,
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